Audition Notice: Three Plays – One Hundred Years
Audition Notice
Three Plays – One Hundred Years
Three plays about the Great War and its aftermath
29 October – 1 November 2014
Auditions: Sunday, 27 July 2014 from 2:30pm
at Horfield Parish Hall, Wellington Hill BS7 8ST
(if you are unable to attend this date please let us know and we will try to arrange an alternative audition for you)
The plays will be supplied to read prior to audition
• Read the plays and choose the 2/3 characters you would like to play
• Be able to state why you have chosen these particular characters
• Prepare a speech or several small speeches from the plays spoken by your chosen characters – you can read them
• Bring with you something of interest about the First World War – a poem, a statistic, a bit of history or maybe just an opinion or a feeling. Be prepared to present this to the group
• We will be reading selected parts of the plays
We are also looking for the following behind the scenes help:
Stage Manager – Stagehands – Sound Engineer – Video Engineer (Possible) – Costume Researcher(s)/Co-ordinator(s) – Stylist/Makeup designer/co-ordinator – Set Builders – Set Painters – Stage Builders (Not the Extensions!) – Front of House team members – Rehearsal Support (Tea Maker!)
Please contact Bob Derrick at with expressions of interest or if you require more information.