Stages Of War – Tickets On Sale

Tickets are now on sale for our latest production, Stages of War.

29 October – 1 November 2014
Doors open 7pm, curtain up at 7:30pm

Tickets £9
Buy Online (with PayPal or Credit/Debit card) by clicking here
or call our Box Office on 0117 969 5716
or download the flyer, print and return it with a cheque and stamped addressed envelope

Stages_of_WarStages of War

By Lynn Brittney and Alan Marshall

29 October – 1 November 2014

In remembrance of the start of “the war to end all wars” one hundred years ago, HTC presents three one-act plays offering a glimpse into those dark times and the people from every walk of life who had no choice but to go to war.

The discovery of a mass grave for Australian soldiers killed at the battle of Fromelles and the work using contemporary science to identify them inspires a detective story in ‘Dig for the Diggers’. ‘Grandma’s Photograph’ looks at the war’s impact on family life and ‘After the Ball is Over’ takes us to the outset of the Great War and how people and relationships are changed forever.  Even in the grandest of families.